Business Websites

Business Websites

It's no secret, with how the world continuously evolves, if your business does not have an online presence, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. The presence you need mainly depends on the type of business you are in – for some, social media will do just fine, but if you want to maximize clientele as well as visibility, you need to consider having a business website.


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Having a business website not only looks professional, but it is the premise on which your brand’s online presence is developed and established. It becomes your businesses address online with the potential to be the hub from which you deliver your business messaging, marketing, products and services. This is how you, as a company or individual, can inform everyone about your operations and services, as well as give them the ability to contact you.


Your website should:


·                 clearly state what your business offers and answer why people should deal with you or your organization,

·                 include various channels visitors can use to contact you at their convenience,

·                 project and uphold your business’ brand.


A business website means you are always available and services are accessible 24/7. Customers and relevant stakeholders should always be able to find and get in contact with you from wherever they may be. Outside of normal business hours, your website can continue to attract, engage, support and close sales with visitors online. It offers the convenience of users accessing the information they need from the comfort of their homes.


In earlier times, potential customers would not be quick to trust companies which did not have a physical address or a telephone number – today, the same is true for a website and email address. A website for your business helps you build credibility among others in your field. It also helps build brand recognition as you can state clearly who you are and what you represent, as well as what you stand for in a design form that conveys your company culture and dynamics.


As your business grows and you have partner relationships and some accomplishments, all these can be showcased on your website. Testimonials and reviews could also be displayed establish credibility with visitors.


The problem with social media is that your posts may not be pushed organically, therefore not attracting new customers towards you. With an SEO-optimized website, you have the chance to show up in Google search results, hence, when someone is searching for a product or service, your website will show up in the results – allowing you to increase traffic to your site and ultimately your client base.


African Business Solutions is a digital agency and professional services company specializing in website development among other services. Click here to download our company profile.


Our inbound approach transforms your branding, communication, and marketing strategies by putting your website at the centre of your online digital initiatives, and how your business attracts, engages and supports your customers. Using our revolutionary Content Management System (CMS) CUE, you can create customer lists, keep visitors engaged with event updates, blogs, publications and online promotions etc. Ultimately, you drive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and generate visitors' profile information for analysis. The results of the data analysis are used to send relevant targeted messaging around your products and services, thereby generating solid leads and closing more deals. Click here to get in touch with us to take your business to the next level online.



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