Five (5) Reasons Why You Should Take Your Business Online

Five (5) Reasons Why You Should Take Your Business Online

The onset of the internet ushered in and unleashed the omnipotent power of connectivity and integration; enabling the omnipresent, multifaceted relations and interactions we share with one another today. As a result our societies, economies, supply and value-chains etc. are integrated like never conceived or contrived before.  Barriers of old such as walls physical and or otherwise, borders, distance, time, philosophies etc. are being challenged, pressed down and shaken at their cores. Information, data, new conventional methods and societal orders are gaining prominence rendering previous business models irreverent and unsustainable. It is in the face of this real-time, always-on, disruptive and convoluted world that businesses have to ply their trade, protect their secrets, employ digital strategies and scale operations in a profitable, sustainable and relevant way. 

The sweeping tide is pushing people and businesses into the digital realm. Once a business and or people are fully submerged in the digital realm, is when the full potential (positive,  destructive and or otherwise) power of this integration is realised. Therefore businesses are at varying levels of submersion in the digital realm depending on their aptitude and willingness to evolve to data driven organisations in the current times. The push-pull factors of relying on the comforts of the past against the demands of the changing business landscape are exerting transformational pressures on businesses to define, establish and manage their online profiles, plans and personas in the digital realm now and for the future. Here are five (5) benefits for businesses to go digital:


1.         Your Business Can Operate from Anywhere: 

As long as there is internet access you and your business can operate from anywhere and at any time. Say goodbye to lost time stuck in traffic, cost of office space, lighting, heating and amenities for staff welfare. While completely doing away with all office space wouldn’t be prudent but scaling back can go a long way towards driving down costs and freeing up funds for innovative investments.


2.         An Alternative Delivery and Revenue Channel 

Sell and deliver your products and services over the internet. Open up your unique, differentiated products and services to new markets (to the world) in a calculated and measured way. Transform your balance sheet with unique digital assets that capacitate and automate your sales, delivery and communications online. Once this is fully mastered and configured, online sales and delivery services will be a significant contributor to your businesses revenue and bottom-line. This is done by translating the mechanics that make your current business unique digitally and scaling the processes.  


3.         Brand Marketing and Communications

Generate awareness around your businesses brand among your target market anywhere in the world. You can shape the feelings and experience your customers can expect from interacting with your brand, ultimately gaining mind and heart share through their online interactions.


4.         Develop New and or Supporting Products around your main business and launch Online 

Invest in innovation and creative Ideas that compliment, bolster your businesses current operations and/ or completely create new markets. Having your business online allows your business to be agile and responsive when developing and testing iterations of your ideas. You can make the necessary changes in small measured steps in response to market feedback till you get a working formula.    

5.         Drive Business Culture that Embraces and welcomes Change

Take on the challenge to reorient your business culture around looking for innovative ways to drive sales, increase productivity, automate processes and drive down costs harnessing technology. While this reorientation is taking place among current and future employees; the vision, mission and values of the business that have set it apart from its competitors should be preserved and at the heart of the process and amplified when your business goes online.


Having a functional website that is integrated with social media to effectively disseminate information, promote active stakeholder engagement, create a customer list and sell your products and services is the first step for a business on its journey to staking its claim in the digital world. Click Here for us here at African Business Solutions Provider to start and walk your business through this transformational journey to the digital world.

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