e-Commerce Websites

e-Commerce Websites

Since the world started digitizing pretty much every aspect of the average daily life, the letter “E”, meaning electronic, has been added to prefix some words. Electronic commerce or e-Commerce for short refers to individuals and companies who sell products and services over the Internet. This can be done on smartphones, tablets, computers, and other smart devices with access to the internet.

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E-Commerce websites have been growing in popularity for a long time and a very large population of the world has accessed at least one. The biggest amongst these is, unsurprisingly, Amazon. According to similarweb.com, amazon.com is ranked number 1 in the whole world and takes up 3 other spots in the top 10 in different regions as reviewed on March 1, 2023.

Since the pandemic in 2020, the rate at which e-Commerce websites are visited has grown exponentially. As a result, grocery, hardware, fashion, technology, and literature, among other areas of shopping, are now done online, and a shift in people’s attitudes, reception, and preference towards shopping online has become mainstream. People have become used to this convention of shopping experience because they are too busy to walk into a physical store, and depending on the type of person they are, it may be more convenient for them.

As aforementioned, amazon.com is the most viewed e-Commerce website. The average time a user spends on it is approximately 7 minutes after viewing an average of about 9 pages per visit. Most of the people visiting may not even be doing so intending to purchase a product from the website but to compare a product’s price and find the best deal available. Several businesses have benefitted from e-commerce as they have gained access to and established a wider market presence by providing more efficient distribution channels for their products and services. If you are not online, you might as well not exist as a business because you are missing out on a lot of opportunities and revenue.


What are some key features to take into consideration when building an e-commerce website?


1.              User-friendly site navigation.

This refers to how well a user can move around the menus and elements of your website. These elements include product category pages; product filters; search and so on. In short, your website has to be easy to use for its visitors.


2.              Mobile responsiveness.

A large percentage of customers use their smartphones for purchases on online shopping websites, so it’s very important to make sure that your website can respond well on mobile devices. Having a responsive e-Commerce platform ensures that visitors from all devices have an equally good experience.


3.              Good UX (User-Experience)

Your website should make a user want to continue shopping and spend hours looking for the next product to add to their cart. A well-thought-out UX plays a big role in making sure your website is not only functional but reliable, user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to navigate.


4.              Consider the Target

Is the target audience another business or a consumer? Determining this will help you design a high-performing website even though both Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-consumer (B2C) have the same goal – make a sale. However, the ways to reach that goal will be different, so, figuring out your target audience ahead of time will go a long way in your design and approach.



Expose your brand, business, products, and services through an e-commerce website that is designed, developed, and implemented in a structured and coordinated way to grow into a key distribution channel, driving your revenue targets and unlocking balance sheet value for your shareholders. We at ABSP have the right solution fit for you and your organization to drive and achieve your online digital plans and initiatives on a path that is clear, concise, and measurable. Click here to start the conversation.


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